A list of things 'great' leaders says to their team.

A list of things leaders use to keep them fresh, motivated and to get the most out of them.

Karthik Kamalakannan

Karthik Kamalakannan

A list of things 'great' leaders says to their team.

Fortunately, I've got the chance to work under great leaders. Great leaders ask questions and interact with people in a way that clearly differentiates them.

Here are some common quotes/questions I have noticed with great leaders:

  • Thank you.
  • You have been doing an amazing job.
  • How could we do this better?
  • Sorry, it was my mistake.
  • Your contribution is really valuable.
  • I think you have the capacity to do this.
  • What can I do to get this thing done?
  • You are gonna be great at this.
  • If your boss/manager ever asks you these kind of questions and keep your spirits up, thank them.

But, what if, you 'want' to be a great leader? There are tools that could help you. I built UnderstandBetter to help people become great leaders by helping them ask the right questions to their people.

Last updated: January 23rd, 2024 at 1:50:36 PM GMT+0


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