There is something awesome happening on Twitter right now. And you have to see it!

There is something very interesting happening on Twitter and you have to see it. Right. Now.

Karthik Kamalakannan

Karthik Kamalakannan

There is something awesome happening on Twitter right now. And you have to see it!

There's something amazing on Twitter happening right now - #WITBragDay is trending.

It makes my heart so happy to read all the wonderful accomplishments by women all across the world. It's very common to doubt oneself but not so much when it comes to appreciating yourself. Whatever accomplishment, big or small should be celebrated.

Here's my #WITBragDay post.

Here are my favorite,

What's yours?

P.S. And yes, the cover picture was intentional. We wanted to make sure #WITBragDay gets some limelight.

Last updated: January 23rd, 2024 at 1:50:36 PM GMT+0


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