Increase Productivity With Smart Group Commands

Our Sr. Architect open sources the short commands for everyone to use.

Varun Raj

Varun Raj

Increase Productivity With Smart Group Commands

Smart Group Commands are a series of short shell scripts that helps you stay productive. With these commands, you just have to hit less than 5 keys rather than lengthy commands, to get the job done.

Currently, I've included shortcuts to work with some of the most commonly used Git operations. But there's more in the pipeline for this project.


  1. Simple Add, Commit, and Push
 sgc "Your commit message"

The above command derives

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push origin master

2. Commit and push to upstream

 sgc -u "Your commit message"

The above command derives

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push upstream master

3. Commit and push to gh-pages

 sgc -gh "Your commit message"

The above command derives

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push origin gh-pages

4. Fetch and merge from origin master

 sgc fo

The above command derives

git fetch origin master git merge origin/master

5. Fetch and merge from upstream master

sgc fu

The above command derives

git fetch upstream master git merge upstream/master

6. Bundle and bower install (Rails Users)

sgc bi

The above command derives

bundle install bower install


sgc comes with simple installation, run the following wget or curl to install.


wget -O - | bash


curl -s | bash

For Contributing

Last updated: January 23rd, 2024 at 1:50:36 PM GMT+0


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