Moving our comments to discourse

We are moving our Blog's discussion system to discourse to provide better interaction and develop better community, join us and find out more!

Karthik Kamalakannan

Karthik Kamalakannan

Moving our comments to discourse

Providing our users the best experience possible has been our focus for many years now, and today, I'm incredibly thrilled to announce a new commenting system for Sudo vs Root.

We've been testing Discourse at Skcript for about three weeks now. The core focus of Discourse is to make sure that we as people have engaging conversations among one another. We found this goal to be the same as one of the goals of Sudo vs Root.

Most of the articles we publish on Sudo vs Root have triggered some or the other conversation through various means. But starting today, all our comments have been migrated to Discourse.

What's in it for you

  • Direct interaction with our engineers
  • Near real-time responses for all your questions
  • A fresh and powerful community to talk to
  • Above all, you are the community

I believe this will change the way you have been interacting with Sudo vs Root. We do have some more plans that we will execute once we hit a critical mass on Discourse. Until then, we'll talk to you on Discourse.

Last updated: January 23rd, 2024 at 1:50:36 PM GMT+0


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